The only comprehensive left-wing critique of the 1619 Project, featuring essays and interviews with prominent scholars of American history and writers for the World Socialist Web Site. "The New York Times' 1619 Project", launched in August 2019, mobilized vast editorial and financial resources to portray racial conflict as the central driving force of American history. The Project denigrated the democratic content of the American Revolution and of the Civil War, ignored the struggle for labor and civil rights in the twentieth century, and entirely omitted the role of abolitionists, of Frederick Douglass, and of Martin Luther King. The book elaborates American history through lectures, essays, and interviews with eminent historians Gordon Wood, James M. McPherson, Victoria Bynum, James Oakes, Richard Carwardine, Adolph Reed Jr., Dolores Janiewski, and Clayborne Carson. These lectures and essays counter today's deep intellectual, social, and cultural crisis, manifested in the racialist theorizing of the NY Times' 1619 Project, with the struggle for objective truth upon which the unity of the working class is based. An Afterword examines the reactionary premises of Trump's "1776 Project".